Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer-

Advantages of Computers

The computer has become a necessity in our lives. It is the best way to communicate with people all around the world. We can easily access information from anywhere at any time. The computer also helps us to learn new things. Below listed are the major advantage of computers.

Multitasking –
Multitasking is one among the main advantage of computer. Multitasking means working on multiple tasks simultaneously. Person can do multiple task, multiple operation at a same time, calculate numerical problems within few seconds. Computer can perform millions or trillions of work in one second.

Ease of Access –

Let’s say we have to search a book in a library and we don’t know anything except the name of the book. It would be an arduous task. But, in a computer, just type the name of the file. This ease of access provided by our personal computer contributes towards saving our time and efforts.

Data Security-
Protecting digital data is understood as data security.

Task completer-
Completes tasks that might be impossible for humans to complete.

Communication –
Computer helps the user in better understanding and communication with the other devices.

Productivity –
The level of productivity gets automatically doubled as the computer can done the work at very fast.

Reduces work load –
Information are often accessed by more then one person with the necessity for work to be duplicated.

Storage –
The pc has an in-built memory where it can store an outsized amount of knowledge . You can also store data in auxiliary storage devices.

Disadvantages of Computers

Computers are great tools, but they have their disadvantages too. They can be slow, unreliable, and expensive. They also require constant maintenance and upgrades.

Unemployment –

you very well know a computer is capable of performing multiple functions. Thus, one of the disadvantages of a computer is unemployment. It does all the calculations, records data, processes information, thus creates unemployment. People do not prefer employing people; instead, they like doing all the work on a computer by themselves.

Online Cyber Crime-

Crimes As with any device, cyber-crimes occur in computers. Data stealing is one of the major threats in the world of computers. It may occur online or via offline removable device like that of a USB

Lack of Concentration and Irritation

As multitasking makes our lives easier, but it comes with its disadvantages. We try to focus on multiple tasks and notifications. This leads to decrease in attention span and lack of concentration on one particular task. Also, addictive games played on computer contribute towards irritability when not allowed to play.

Increases waste and impacts the environment / E-waste –
With the speed that computers and other electronics get replaced, all of the old devices that get thrown away have a big impact on the environment.

High cost –
Computers are expensive. Even the foremost affordable computers are still very expensive for the typical person in South Africa. Since computers empower people.


Prolonged use of personal computers result in many health related issues. Eye strain, headache, back pain, etc. are some of them.