
Admission Open For 2024-25

We strive to provide highest quality education, bridging your child's success with well formed infrastructure of knowledge and resources.

Why Choose Us

Weakly Online Test

Every Week we conduct online test as well as offline test. Student can give online exam through official website and via link provided in what's app group.

Up to Date Course Structure

As we know that new technology updating day by day so we update our syllabus or course structure accordingly it.


We assure each and every student to giving them training with advanced technology and notes.

50+ Courses

This time we has 50+ courses available right now. we are providing basic course as well advanced courses.

Practical Training

Training methods have been maximized with “learning” rather than “teaching” through well-equipped lab ONE-TO-ONE ratio (ONE COMPUTER FOR ONE STUDENT)

Carrer Counseling

Feels the underlying concepts of new technology and tools along with reasonable skills be delivered to the students before they go out in the industry.

Popular Courses

BCC( basic Computer Course)

Basic computer Concept is a 3 month certified program in this course we learn about basic concept of computer. appropriately start up and shut down your computer navigate the operating sys …


DCA ( Diploma in computer Application)

Diploma in Computer Applications or DCA is a diploma course which is specialized in computer applications. The DCA course contains the basic …


Advance Diploma in computer application

Advance Diploma In Computer Application ( ADCA) is a One Year Diploma course in Computer Application. The main aim of The Advance Diploma In Computer Application program To prepare candidates in…..


cAP ( Complete Accounting Package

Complete Accounting Package is a unique short term program designed for students both graduates & non graduates. The program is catering to the requirement of industry for skilled computer……


C Programming

This C training course provides a comprehensive introduction to theThe course will first teach you about program flow and how programming languages work with data, so that you can understand the basic architecture …


Web Designing

Learn how to design and build your own website. Web designers are more in demand than ever before, and the profession is constantly changing along with the app itself. This course aims to teach the most …



This course includes an overview of the various tools available for writing and running Python, and gets students coding quickly. This Python training course leads students from the basics of writing and running Python scripts to more advanced …


MS Office

Introduces the basic features of Microsoft Office. Therefore, the course teaches the basic skills for word processing, for creating excel spreadsheets and preparing presentations, Develops familiarity with Word, Excel, Access, …

Interesting Facts

Courses offered
Success Stories
Registered Students

About Us

UiiT Computer Education is Established in the year 2008 in Bageshwar Uttarakhand. Our Institute Affiliated with Shiksha Samaj Seva Samiti, Bageshwar an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organization. The Institution Conducting Computer Oriented Courses. Our Institute is focused on providing Quality education with practical sessions. we Offers Courses of One Month, Two Months, Three Months, Six Months, One Year and Short Term Duration Courses. The Institute Provide Value Based Quality Education For Computer Technology. Satisfaction of our student is our priority.

We are With

What People Say

“UiiT Computer Education is undoubtedly the best Computer Training Institute in Bageshwar for it’s commitment and responsibility towards students.”



“What I am today is because of the UiiT Computer Education. The teachers are very helpful and committed towards students.”



Because you deserve to shine.

Enroll for a new admission on or before April 30.
Perfect Place for I.T. Education